Fruitless Joy

Lately, I’ve been a complainer. I see people who practically look like models, I see people who travel the world and make tons of money on photography, I see people in my dream cars…you name it! And I’m left wondering, “What the heck? Where can I get that?”  Continue reading

Shame After Sin

Romans 3:23

For all have sinned and fall short of the Glory of God;

A friend and I got into an argument and out of anger and I said some things I shouldn’t have said. I went a little too far with a boy when I promised God I wouldn’t do it anymore. I drank a little too much when I knew God didn’t want me to do that. These are just a few examples of the mistakes I’ve made as a Christian and after each act, I felt horrible. I felt like God didn’t love me and that he was angry at me. I felt like a failure; that I let him down. Continue reading